Men's Health
By Hillary Lampers, ND
Men Are More Complicated than the Proverbial ON/OFF Switch.
Dr. Hillary Lampers, a Naturopathic Doctor in Bozeman, Montana discusses men’s health with Jacobus.
Together, they dissect the various environmental, social, and emotional factors that can negatively affect the health of the modern man.
An insightful exploration, especially for the man who feels like maybe he’s not experiencing his best self.
Are cell phones and ED (erectile dysfunction) related? Is the concept of “toxic masculinity” contributing to Male anxiety. Are PSA levels checked correctly, in regard to men’s cancer? What about Testosterone therapy, DHT, and Andropause? Men need to understand their hormones (better), such as Pregnenolone, Androstenediol, Progesterone, Cortisol levels, Cortisone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)?
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