
November 15, 2023
Health Care - Self CareHidden Causes Of Fatigue
Dr. Lou Walters uses research, personal experiences, and professional stories to unravel why so many people suffer from (daily) fatigue. Some will sound familiar, others may make you scratch your head and inspire you to get more answers in your own life. Dr. Lou's is an interesting story; and it has made him a physician who treats "people" rather than just diseases. A dis-ease such as fatigue can be the outcome of what's going on inside the person.
Amongst other things we discuss detoxing, thyroid- and adrenal disorders, being an empath, and childhood traumas. I hope you experience several A-Ha moments while listening to our conversation.
October 28, 2023
Health Care - Self CareHuman Disconnection From The Wisdom Of The Earth
Marji Mills is a gentle soul who craves to connect with Mother Earth, and learn from her wisdom. This has taken her on many journeys to beautiful areas on this planet. It has also inspired her to take courses and do trainings to get confirmation for what she feels, and to then reach out to others looking for answers and to those who need help with that connection.
Marji is very down-to-earth (pun intended) in her daily life, having focused on raising her daughter from a young age after her husband died after an illness. Simultaneously she became a
certified clinical Herbalist, massage therapist, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Transformational Wilderness Guide, and a Nature-Connected Coach.
We already started a great conversation before the microphones went on. Here is the continuing story and some flashbacks.
October 27, 2023
Moving Forward After the Recent COVID Years
Dr. Thomas Sexton's mind and spirit work hard every day. Not just for his patients, but also for himself.
I therefore always enjoy hearing his words, his train of thoughts, his life experiences... good, tough, and bad. He is a very interesting intuitive healer, letting his patients' blood and energy fields dictate the path that should get the best results. He therefore puts himself in neutral and is guided by the knowledge of the universe that is both outside us and within us.
It always makes for an interesting conversation because of the overlapping concepts, and using wisdom he has learned from so many teachers during his 50 years of practice. Meanwhile, he is a child at heart.
Again, I had a great time with him. Perhaps, sit back, relax, and let it all come over you.
October 19, 2023
Celiac Disease and Gluten Allergies
Deb Wheaton is president and co-owner of Gluten-Free Prairie.
This is a woman-owned, family operated, certified gluten-free oat-based business in Manhattan, Montana.
After Deb and her daughter Amy were officially diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2005, they started a journey towards healing from a disease that had caused devastating health issues.
From the start that road has definitely not been easy. However, their new lifestyle is working for them. And their networking with doctors, different gluten-free focused organizations, and their outreach towards fellow sufferers has been very gratifying.
This is Deb's story.
October 10, 2023
Losing 200+ Pounds With Diet and Determination
Billy Joe Arthur is a hardworking entrepreneur, who has also been a well-respected chef.
His business card would say "Never Trust a Skinny Chef."
Besides tasting his own food, he enjoyed wining and dining and enjoyed many late nights.
On top of that Billy Joe worked in casinos in Las Vegas. This eventually made him balloon to about 418 pounds. At the time of this interview he is down to about 215; and he is hoping to reach 195 pounds within the next few months.
His is a wonderful, moving, and uplifting story.
August 14, 2023
A Multi-Layer Approach to Health And Healing.
Thomas Sexton, L.Ac has been a healing practitioner for more than 47 years.
His travels around the world have connected him with many well-known healers and their unique approaches. It makes for a fascinating interview, listening to a mind that works in circles.
I always enjoy listening to Thomas' relaxed but passionate approach to helping others become better persons by providing insights what's going on in their blood. He has been a Dark Field Microscope practitioner for 35 years; and he uses the results he sees in the live blood of his patients to get better results from his acupuncture treatments.
If you are able, just sit back, take a nice breath, and enjoy Thomas Sexton's brilliance and wisdom.