
Choosing Which (Testosterone) Therapy is Best For You
When men think about their testosterone levels it is often already late in the game. Not feeling optimal, perhaps fighting some heart issues, cholesterol challenges, or perhaps starting to feel old, happens more and more in men over forty. Hormones are essential to life and to living healthy. By doing some blood tests you may become a lot wiser about yourself; and more motivated to improve or maintain your good health.
November 8, 2022
Fighting Fatigue
Feeling fatigued is a symptom of something deeper going on in the body and mind. We therefore cannot always wave a magic wand and have long-term results. There could be different reasons, ranging from battling toxins, to fixing deficiencies; and from dealing with trauma to simply having your eyes checked. This article may give you insights into something you have not addressed, perhaps.
Is a Cancer Diagnosis a Death Prognosis?
Cancer is the #2 cause of death in this country, and has been for decades. Billions of dollars have been assigned, fundraised, and donated to find a cure. Perhaps there is none? Perhaps we have had cures right under our noses that have been suppressed by western medicine. What can/would you do if you were diagnosed?
Tricky Triggers
I believe there are specific lessons we need to learn in life. Not lessons we learn in school or so, but amazing "a-ha" moments that influence the way we look at the world around us, and that affect the way we treat and communicate with people going forward.
There is no time-frame for these moments; they appear when we are ready to recognize them. Have you had one, or several you like to share?
August 18, 2022
Please Support Your local Mom-and-Pop Stores
Conflicting reports about how well the economy is doing since the height of the COVID pandemic ruffle feathers in many small discussion groups. Fact is that many local private businesses, including restaurants, bars, retail shops, and theaters may never open again. Because of mandatory shut-downs, mask mandates, and social distancing, they were not able to compete with larger internet retailers and with on-line streaming services. Many of these, who had been part of any downtown scene, are no more.
On top of that we have seen looting, theft, and other violence against small business owners. Not only have these incidences caused product loss and damage repair, it