The Healing Arts
By Jacobus Hollewijn

Podcast Episode
With Thomas Sexton, ND, L.Ac
The title of this show was "Gesundheit! With Jacobus"; a weekly 3-hour live radio program (with call-ins) about health, healing, and healthy lifestyles that ran from July of 2000 through September of 2019. Jacobus hosted 914 editions, mostly with guests discussing their profession, research, books they had written, or just to explain specific health concepts more in-depth.
For a combination of reasons the show came to an end. There will be a continuation with new shows called "Health In Focus with Jacobus"
Here you'll find a selection of timeless topics that could use another listen.
This podcast is from May 25, 2019
Track 1:
Medicine today versus traditional medicine
- Thomas's father was obstetrician
- Thomas one of his first children given antibiotics
- Pasteur: all cells are plyomorphic - they are always changing
- How can you "treat" them
- Western Medicine is only 120 years old
Effect of vaccinations
Ranked 38th in health in the world
- Air
- Water
- Minerals
After "treating" small pox - leukemia increased!
Orthodox medical society - is being challenged today
Dr. Voll measured energy in acupuncture points
Start Track 2: 22:35
Track 2:
30-40 years ago "healing" would happen in 10-12 days
- today 60-120 days
- One of the big causes is STRESS
What causes diseases today?
Call about lecture about pure vegan fixated on Chlorophyll
- Dr. Endelin + Dr. Virginia-Livingston-Wheeler
- Can Chlorophyll be overused?
- ABSOLUTELY! All excess throws off body's ph and can cause all kinds of problems
Start Track 3: 44:34
Track 3:
Blood is not a steril environment
Chinese medicine is not linear, it works in circles
Call about food having different energies
- why are some foods more healing than others?
- Thomas: you cannot "eat" yourselves to heaven
- Different factors play a role
Regarding superfoods - eat LOCAL foods!
Disease comes from outside-in!
Healing comes from inside-out!
Doctor's are changing antibiotics because they're not working diseases have changed from bacteria to viruses
Closest longevity food is close to "starvation"
- air + water
Step 1: Learn to breathe
Start Track 4: 1:06:34
Track 4:
Thomas: we need to stay CONNECTED with nature and the earth - design your food for the function your body needs to perform
Call about what can we learn from long life civilizations?
DIET: it's more about what we "don't eat"
what is the role of germs in the body?
Lyme - thrives because of heavy metals
Netflix "Heal"
MD's license taken away because they are using natural medicine
Start Track 5: 1:29:03
Track 5:
Recap of Thomas's work
- Blood pH
- Health is freedom
- Let the emotions speak
Call about deciding not to work with someone after an initial visit...
- Thomas: you cannot add to a full cup
- patients have to be willing to hear and heal
- problems with root canals & osteomyolitic infections
German Doctor:
- Do you love yourself?
- Do you enjoy what you're doing?
- Do you have fun?
if you say no to any of this - he will not work with them...
Thomas: there is no complexity in the disease
There IS complexity in the patient
Anthony William - there is no autoimmune disease
Start Track 6: 1:51:42
Track 6:
Talking about Anthony William
We are all born as empaths - you take on your parent's stuff
Big Pharmaceuticals are getting too powerful - they are the push behind attacking natural health
Call about vitamin D3 - Vitamin D
Call about daughter with celiac - who now has intestinal issues in spite of GF diet
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.