Losing 200+ Pounds With Diet and Determination
By Billy Joe Arthur

Losing 200 Pounds With Diet and Determination
Billy Joe Arthur is a hardworking entrepreneur, who has also been a well-respected chef.
His business card would say "Never Trust a Skinny Chef."
Besides tasting his own food, he enjoyed wining and dining and enjoyed many late nights.
On top of that Billy Joe worked in casinos in Las Vegas. This eventually made him balloon to about 418 pounds. At the time of this interview he is down to about 215; and he is hoping to reach 195 pounds within the next few months.
His is a wonderful, moving, and uplifting story.
00:00 - Introduction of show and of Billy Joe.
www.BookBillyJoe.com. on Facebook/Meta: 100 Pound Fat Loss Forum.
3:13 - How Billy Joe and Jacobus met. And, his funny business card.
How and when did his weight loss journey begin? Failure with progress.
His battle with diabetes as well. Hemoglobin A1c levels. Billy Joe did not want to take Metformin. His doctor really helped him in this process.
12:59 - What’s his next weight goal? And how does he see his aging process? His brain clarity has gotten better as well.
How Billy Joe creates his own exercise routine. It’s primarily focused on moving.
21:28 - What do you remember how you felt when you were 420 pounds?
What were some of the practical challenges he experienced?
Do exercises you like, and that make you feel good. A lifestyle change is a process for most people. For him it’s walking, and finding respect for himself.
30:58 - During his trial and error with different diets, what did he learn? When he observed a stagnation in the new diet he would start “revenge” eating. Weight loss goals are achieved when you are happy and respect yourself, not when you reach the weight the books are telling you.
Eating in “windows,” and eating what you enjoy. Apoptosis is dying cells; we’re taking those old cells away.
38:30 - Eating while using intermittent fasting also helps to improve hormones. How to train yourself to start eating in “eating windows?”
Different qualities in food, how can it nourish us. Insulin is the fat-storing hormone. Replacing fat-in-food with sugars-in-food. Importance of grass-fed cows. How much protein is enough?
47:52 - We need to eat more good fats. Nuts, seeds, grains, beans are high in omega-6. Eating these foods can increase inflammation in the body. Jacobus explains. Western medicine treats inflammation with medication.
Too many trans fats, plaque building. Abstinence diet can give us more insights about what our body can handle.
57:56 - Professionals who have inspired Billy Joe in walking his current journey to better weight and better overall health?
The importance of good digestion; and not drinking before, during, and after meals. Perhaps add apple cider vinegar, or freshly-squeezed lemon juice.
1:07:42 - Alkaline water: how does it work, what does it do? Is it important for us? The importance of getting your saliva in a balanced pH.
The connection with osteoporosis. Using trace mineral drops in our water; or perhaps Himalayan sea salt.
Including fibers in the diet. A few “chef’s” suggestions on Brussels sprouts, sauerkraut/kimchi.
1:17:07 - In your journey of losing the weight, did you include blood testing?
Using blood tests to get inspired to get serious with the diet? The education part is so very important. Inspired by doctors Jason Fung, and Mark Hyman, as well as motivational speaker Tony Robbins.
Salt is a very important nutrient.
1:26:23 - Many people feel they are guinea pigs for doctors and scientists.
Look at diabetics and the promotion of medications in stead of nutritional counseling. When it comes to your health don’t play the odds.
Laughter is good for your health, as is practice of “Gratitude.” The more grateful you are the better you start feeling. The more you focus on it the more you get it; the more your health growths.
1:33:39 - Billy Joe wants to interview at least 100 people (www.BookBillyJoe.com) and he invites interested listeners to go to his Facebook/Meta site 100 Pound Fat Loss Forum.
Doing intermittent fasting PLUS the extra 1-day fast every week will help to shrink the extra skin as well. This is also for health reasons, not just for vanity.
When we live with better health, we will have inner peace. This will help all our relationships.
1:44:44 - End.
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