The Hacking of the American Mind
By Jacobus Hollewijn

Discussing the book by Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL
With Edward Dratz, Ph.D.
The title of this show was "Gesundheit! With Jacobus"; a weekly 3-hour live radio program (with call-ins) about health, healing, and healthy lifestyles that ran from July of 2000 through September of 2019. Jacobus hosted 914 editions, mostly with guests discussing their profession, research, books they had written, or just to explain specific health concepts more in-depth.
For a combination of reasons the show came to an end. There will be a continuation with new shows called "Health In Focus with Jacobus"
Here you'll find a selection of timeless topics that could use another listen.
This podcast is from March 3, 2018
Track 1:
Who is Robert Lustig?
- What does he stand for?
Story about Odawalla Juice Company
- Added sugars - people get addicted
Brain Circuits - are over activated
- Dopamine - causes "excitement"
- causes receptors to slow/shut down
- you now need "more"
- Serotonin - different circuit
- does not shut down receptors
Main Hack: Confusion between happiness and pleasure
Start Track 2: 21:30
Track 2:
Call about PEACE and trusting God
- Lustig is strong on religion
pleasure vs happiness
- dopamine: multivitamin to "get the 'Reward' "
Call about solution to stress
- Discussion on connecting with other people
The history of low-fat/ no fat diets and vilifying saturated fats
Explaining too many sugars in your system (high blood sugar)
Start Track 3: 42:36
Track 3:
The effects of too much sugars
"The Toxic Truth About Sugar"
Gastric bypass
Study on children - 9 days
- obese + diabetes 2 + fat in liver
Ed's explanation about the effect of Fructose on our ATP Production
Call about addiction to TV and Social Media
Discussion about the call and how it affects your sleep cycle
61 names for sugar
Fructose/Agave : no rise in bloodsugars
- BUT causes fatty liver fatigue in brain
- Increase in Alzheimer's - Type 3 Diabetes
- Getting rid of sugars - increase in Ketone Bodies - water soluble - get through blood brain barriers
Call from Dr. Gary Stoner about difference of Honey vs Table Sugar and link to cancer
Start Track 4: 1:03:51
Track 4:
Continued talk with caller Gary Stoner about sugars and cancer
Ed: "If you lower sugars in your diet and replace with ketones - cancer cannot live on that - killing the cancer"
Call about sugar cravings
Fireplace analogy
Call about Immunoglobulins
Start Track 5: 1:25:10
Track 5:
Quick show recap + How to raise immunoglobulins
Call about the affect of facebook
Purpose of "selective" in SSRI's
- Ritalin in Pre-puberty has a calming affect
- Ritalin in post-puberty has a cocaine like effect
Serotonin need L-Tryptophan to make that
- Made in the intestine
- Made in the brain
Explaining Tryptophan - Serotonin
Why processed foods trigger depression
Difference in whole foods
The 4 C's:
- Connect
- Contribute
- Cooking
- Coping
Start Track 6: 1:44:43
Track 6:
Mathematicians: effects on the economy on food since WW2
Percentage of economic growth" is related to our health. What if we put people on low-sugar diet - economic growth
Percentage would go to "zero"
What is metabolic syndrome?
Call about Stevia
Upset Digestion/Gastrointestinal problems
Text about Bulletproof Coffee
Call about Protein Shakes
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.