
November 15, 2023
Self CareHidden Causes Of Fatigue
Dr. Lou Walters uses research, personal experiences, and professional stories to unravel why so many people suffer from (daily) fatigue. Some will sound familiar, others may make you scratch your head and inspire you to get more answers in your own life. Dr. Lou's is an interesting story; and it has made him a physician who treats "people" rather than just diseases. A dis-ease such as fatigue can be the outcome of what's going on inside the person.
Amongst other things we discuss detoxing, thyroid- and adrenal disorders, being an empath, and childhood traumas. I hope you experience several A-Ha moments while listening to our conversation.
October 28, 2023
Self CareHuman Disconnection From The Wisdom Of The Earth
Marji Mills is a gentle soul who craves to connect with Mother Earth, and learn from her wisdom. This has taken her on many journeys to beautiful areas on this planet. It has also inspired her to take courses and do trainings to get confirmation for what she feels, and to then reach out to others looking for answers and to those who need help with that connection.
Marji is very down-to-earth (pun intended) in her daily life, having focused on raising her daughter from a young age after her husband died after an illness. Simultaneously she became a
certified clinical Herbalist, massage therapist, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Transformational Wilderness Guide, and a Nature-Connected Coach.
We already started a great conversation before the microphones went on. Here is the continuing story and some flashbacks.
May 18, 2023
Self CareBreast Implant Illness and Breast Explants
Mary Evans has been into self care and professionally helping others for more than thirty years.
In 1990 she opted to have breast implants for self-esteem reasons.
In 2007 she had those cleaned out and replaced.
In 2023 she decided to have them explanted because she finally understood the dangers, and realized she was suffering from side-effects.
This is her story.
April 12, 2023
Self CareIodine Revealed and Explained
Toby McAdam is the owner of RisingSun Health in Livingston, Montana.
His mastery of making iodine solutions and products are recognized and approved by the FDA. This has not been an easy journey, which he will discuss in this podcast. You will learn about different iodine solutions, how they're made, and what to use them for.
February 21, 2023
Self CareAutoimmune Disease and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Marion Bachra, MS, RD, LN, CECP
Marion's specialties are Trauma-Informed: Clinical Nutritionist, Traditional Chinese Herbalist, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
Her Trauma-Informed approach is to help foster the Inner Healer that is within all of us and to help remove obstacles for the full manifestation of that Inner Healer within. She currently sees herself as a mediator and a guide to help her clients achieve their goals and reasons for their visits with her and whatever else unfolds.
February 15, 2023
Self CareAn Introduction To Astrology
Andi attended the University of Central Arkansas, where she earned her first degree in the fields of Psychology and Philosophy, and later went back for a second time to study nutrition. She has always been intrigued by the way that different people think, perceive, and interact with the world around them. This curiosity eventually led her to the practice of astrology, which is the study of the alignment of the planets at the moment a person was born. Astrologers claim that the divine organization of the universe at any given moment in time can tell us something about the energetic nature of that moment, as well as give us insight into the minds and lives of the people who were born in that moment.