By Jacobus Hollewijn

Estrogen Hormones Affect Both Men and Women. Different Health Conditions Can Be Directly Related to Too Much Estrogens.
The title of this show was "Gesundheit! With Jacobus"; a weekly 3-hour live radio program (with call-ins) about health, healing, and healthy lifestyles that ran from July of 2000 through September of 2019. Jacobus hosted 914 editions, mostly with guests discussing their profession, research, books they had written, or just to explain specific health concepts more in-depth. For a combination of reasons the show came to an end. There will be a continuation with new shows called "Health In Focus with Jacobus" Here you'll find a selection of timeless topics that could use another listen.
This Podcast is from Saturday May 4, 2019
Track 1:
Why talk about Estrogens today?
Wikipedia article about estrogens
- Explaining 4 types
- When and where are they produced?
- What time during woman's life?
- Which hormones does the ovary make?
- Men need to know their
- total testosterone
- free testosterone
- estradiol
- DHEA's
Start Track 2: 19:11
Track 2:
Call about what foods to avoid for men to gain during workouts
Dr. Josh Axe video
- top 5 high estrogen foods to avoid
- soy
- sugar
- processed milks
- processed meats
- plastics (in bottles/teflon)
- detoxing body from estrogens
Jacobus continues to explain more about this talk by Josh Axe.
- Sugars in the body
- Hormones used in cattle and dairy industry
- perhaps grassfed (100%)
- PBA in plastics - replacement for BPA are often dangerous as well
- People dumping batteries and electronics in landfill
- Large effects on wildlife dependent on rivers
Start Track 3: 40:20
Track 3:
Quick Recap of hour 1 and highlights
- recaps some things already mentioned and digs deeper into estrogen benefits in women
Start Track 4: 58:52
Track 4:
Call about major study by Women's Health Initiative which showed dangers of too much estrogens
- heart disease
- strokes
- blood clots
- cancers
- too much surgery
Call about diabetes treatments being very expensive
- prevention is a better approach
NPR playing of Estrogens in plastics and bottles BPA and others
Start Track 5: 1:18:21
Track 5:
Explaining estrogen dominance
Estrogen in both female cancers and prostate cancers
Start Track 6: 1:37:37
Track 6:
Benefits of estrogens.
History of estrogens
Xeno-estrogens effects on environment
- cosmetics
Early puberty cases
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.