The Four Pillars to Restore Flow in our Body
By Rick F. Brunner

Rebuild Muscle, Rebuild Bone, and Lose Body Fat as we Age
My first interview in a new Podcast format.
After 19 years of live radio programs that consisted of interviews with experts and also solo-shows, this is the way I will present Health Topics from now on. Perhaps there will be some live streaming in the near future; it all depends on the listenership and overall involvement with you, the listeners.
My hope is that you will enjoy these, and learn from them.
Thank you!
Rick Brunner is an applied scientist and health coach with 35 years of experience educating many professional- and college coaches and athletes, as well as several thousand middle-aged and senior men and women. His passion is educating people over age 40 how to build strong muscles and bones while burning fat.
Introduction of show, disclaimer, and Rick Brunner’ short Bio
5:07 … Not just people 40 and up, also young men are concerned about hormone drop.
6:37 … The importance of the scientific data in the journals. Look also at the value of both diet and exercise to stay healthy. “Let’s get the train moving!” Examples of how to exercise.
11:21 … Functional stress on the body through exercise: burning fat and building muscle. Where and how to exercise.
14:56 … Resistance exercise and stimulating brain activity through a protein called irisin, produced in muscle contractions.
16:25 … Statistics (Johns Hopkins University) about warning for rise in central obesity by the year 2030. What can we do now? What part do we the people not understand about this prediction?
19:57 … Weight Loss versus Fat loss. Understanding mitochondria. Brown fat cells - white fat cells - beige fat cells. The protein Irisin plays an important role here, also. Subcutaneous fat, fat cells in the belly, fat around the organs and muscles (fatty muscle). Glucose Transport-4 (Gluc-4), Insulin’s role.
27:57 … High Blood Sugar is not a pancreas problem; not an insulin problem, it is a muscle problem. What are the four pillars to work on this issue: Diet - Exercise - Intermittent Fasting - Some Supplements. Rick’s Trifecta approach.
31:43 … Rick’s approach to Intermittent Fasting. What is “mTOR?” What is “AMPK?” What is “PGC-1alpha?” Anabolic/Catabolic. The problem with yo-yo diets. What does the term “glycemic” mean?
38:29 … Over-fat versus Over-weight. How to figure out fat loss? Look in the mirror and/or use tape measure. Now, what is your plan?
42:16 … Exercising later in the day, followed by eating late? How about making shakes? Rick’s eating plan is different than it will be for others. Perhaps it’s better to have a big lunch. What fats to use in a shake.
47:29 … More research studies. Mitochondria and ATP. Fat cells can turn into inflammatory cells, perhaps causing systemic pain. Autophagy (i.e. consumption of the body’s own tissue) or Mitophagy (the selective degradation of mitochondria from autophagy): cleaning out the trash; either part of the cells, or the whole cells. The difference between flow and stagnant pond. We want to make more new mitochondria.
54:55 … Working on the neuromuscular system with the four pillars as well, especially as we get older. We have to create the environment for our own future.
56:37 … Diet and the importance of digestion. What do carbohydrates do to us, if we don’t do the right thing with carbohydrates in our digestive tract? What’s the function of this tract? Are probiotics the answer to our intestinal woes; or do we need to look higher up the tract? Jacobus explains his understanding of what happens during digestion, and why the stomach and duodenum are so important. Don’t drink 45 minutes before eating; don’t drink while eating; and don’t drink until after eating… unless sipping 6-7 ounces during those approximate 2 hours.
1:12:29 … How does this affect the Gut-Brain axis? Why do people have issues with gas? The dangers of proton pump inhibitors on the importance of stomach acid. Symptoms of gas, bloating, acid reflux, GERD, etc. and too much/too little stomach acid.
1:17:09 … How do we still get energy if we are not breaking-down and absorbing our food? The role of the section above our neck (brain/coach) versus the section below the neck (body/athlete) on producing energy. Efficiency versus stagnation. Are we efficient in building what we want to build?
1:21:15 … COVID has affected the older generation in their flow. Their was not ONE virus (COVID); there are billions of viruses. It just depends on how we adept to the viruses we are exposed to. This has caused stress; how we need to create functional stress. We need to have that “plan” in place. Rick likes to work-out doing reps, lots of reps. Still works the muscle. He feels this is safe for him. Whatever works for you. Don’t make it over-complicated.
1:28:35 … Confusion about taking supplements/pills with your food. Your “plan” will work with the right timing. Rick’s development of new supplements to support his four pillars. How many hours are considered fasting; and what is a fat-burning cycle?
1:34:16 … How couples can avoid becoming complacent. The dynamic between them is important to have success. We all need to lose unnecessary weight; if not for ourselves it’s helpful for others who may need to help us.
1:39:29 … The body is very complex; science about it is ever-changing. Rick’s upcoming paperback book. Today 5% of people over 65 year old are healthy; the rest are not. In part because they don’t do it because they don’t know where to start and how to create a plan. If no change: by 2030: 80% of women will be centrally obese, 55% of men. Things have continued to get worse since 1995.
1:42:40 … 7-8 year old study shows that the average American over the age of 65 years old takes between 8 and 9 prescription drugs daily! Supplements supplement our diet and lifestyle, NOT replace them. Making some positive changes can be noticed relatively quickly, like two months.
1:50:53 … End.
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.