Health News
Articles & Videos
Is Your Thyroid Thriving? - Part 1One of the most confusing and undiagnosed disorders many people, especially women, are dealing with is hypothyroidism i.e. an under-active thyroid.
Is a Cancer Diagnosis a Death Prognosis?
Cancer is the #2 cause of death in this country, and has been for decades. Billions of dollars have been assigned, fundraised, and donated to find a cure. Perhaps there is none? Perhaps we have had cures right under our noses that have been suppressed by western medicine. What can/would you do if you were diagnosed?
Tricky Triggers
I believe there are specific lessons we need to learn in life. Not lessons we learn in school or so, but amazing "a-ha" moments that influence the way we look at the world around us, and that affect the way we treat and communicate with people going forward.
There is no time-frame for these moments; they appear when we are ready to recognize them. Have you had one, or several you like to share?
Your Digestive System Wants to Work For You
Our digestion is considered normal unless something goes wrong, sometimes terribly wrong. So many people suffer from disorders in this perfect system; they may suffer for decades, even die from it. I know it doesn't need to be this way.
And we have all the capabilities to take care of it our selves, even heal from digestive disorders. Understanding the system is part of the healing.
Manly Men
So many men are powerful in the brain: they know what they want; they know/remember how to do things; and they can talk a good game. However, more and more men don't 'feel' the way they talk. The reason is that their hormones have changed with age. Sadly, today that is not an 'old-man" disorder anymore; many young men experience decreased testosterone, and they don't know what or why? This article provides some newer research and thoughts for a fresh approach.
June 21, 2022
Longer ReadsWhole Body Medicine
The best medicine combines western hypothesis with eastern wisdom and traditions. Without the emotional, mental, and spiritual balance that eastern medicine brings allopathic methods can only be so successful.