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Articles & Videos
Is Your Thyroid Thriving? - Part 1One of the most confusing and undiagnosed disorders many people, especially women, are dealing with is hypothyroidism i.e. an under-active thyroid.
Is a Cancer Diagnosis a Death Prognosis?
Cancer is the #2 cause of death in this country, and has been for decades. Billions of dollars have been assigned, fundraised, and donated to find a cure. Perhaps there is none? Perhaps we have had cures right under our noses that have been suppressed by western medicine. What can/would you do if you were diagnosed?
Manly Men
So many men are powerful in the brain: they know what they want; they know/remember how to do things; and they can talk a good game. However, more and more men don't 'feel' the way they talk. The reason is that their hormones have changed with age. Sadly, today that is not an 'old-man" disorder anymore; many young men experience decreased testosterone, and they don't know what or why? This article provides some newer research and thoughts for a fresh approach.