Whole Body Medicine
By Jacobus Hollewijn

June 21, 2022
Longer Reads
Advocating for Holistic Self-Care
This article was originally published in Bozeman, MT’s semi-monthly newspaper called The BoZone in the 2003 March edition.
It has been re-checked and edited on March 3, 2022.
But the way that western medicine is promoted, makes it sound that we don’t really have to think for ourselves anymore. It still has a long way to go achieving perfection, and many people often feel part of some experiment.
The idea behind these articles is to share important information, for you and/or for all those people we know, who have ailments, and we wished we had some way of helping them.
My experience is that modern western medicine is not always the answer. It is designed to treat symptoms without real education of how to solve the cause. Western medicine is relatively young and it is dependent on the development of modern technology. So it is limited in its approach, and therefore limited in its results. It kind of learns as it goes. It sees the body as a kind of machine with replaceable parts! The arteries to the heart are clogged? Take some arteries out of the leg and attach them to the heart! Or replace the heart with a new one! Or, put a part-specific substance (i.e. a drug), in the machine to keep it running, in spite of it being broken. But no matter how the machine is fixed, it eventually wears out and stops.
I do believe that allopathic medicine is very important and that it has its place. But the way that western medicine is promoted, makes it sound that we don’t really have to think for ourselves anymore. It still has a long way to go achieving perfection, and many people often feel part of some experiment.
Holistic or natural medicine looks at the whole picture. It approaches a problem from a physical aspect, but it includes emotional balance, positive mental attitude, and spiritual well being. We read more and more that people, who are spiritual, are generally healthier than people who are not! Spirituality is a way of life, not just a religion. These days, I’m sure, it means different things to different people. Understanding spirituality will enable us to help others better also, …on different levels of awareness!
There is no healing technique that can heal everybody. So a little cooperation between the experts of east and west would be very helpful, wouldn’t you think?
David Eisenberg is quoted in the book “World Medicine: The East-West Guide To Healing Your Body” as saying: “The differences between traditional Chinese and Western Medicine have to do with the way in which diseases are perceived, diagnosed and treated. It remains to be seen how the two systems compare in terms of efficacy. But the systems need not to be mutually exclusive. There is no reason why physicians cannot combine the finest elements of both schools. A Chinese proverb says “The methods used by one man may be faulty; the methods used by two men will be better!”
I guess you’ll have to agree that no one else is ultimately responsible for our health than we, ourselves? We are all special people, with our own individuality and history. So, in reality, we need individualized treatment. We know best how we are doing. We know when we feel bloated, fatigued, achy, stressed, depressed, have skin problems, PMS, menopausal symptoms, or problems concentrating, etc.
Our body is our vehicle, which is supposed to take us from point A to point B. In order to take us there it runs on fuel, which is really energy. Most people use food and liquids for fuel, others function on raw foods and juices and there are those who use pure will-power.
Healing others used to be a calling in life, a service that people would render. From experience I can share with you that it is very humbling, and also gratifying, to hear people say that you helped them move in a better, healthier direction. It is really special if people choose you for help, no matter what it is!
In ancient India, about 3,000 years ago, the healing modality of Ayurveda (which means ”The Knowledge of Long Life”) was born. The Ayurvedic healer serves to reestablish harmony between the individual and the life of the universe, by balancing universal forces (i.e. Life Force or Prana) within each person. Their philosophy is that all diseases of the body can be destroyed at the root by regulating the Prana; this is the secret knowledge of healing!
Western modern medicine is the only modality that treats disease from a physical point of view. The young, ancient forms of natural/ alternative medicine are the more rewarding do-it-yourself kinds.
As Deepak Chopra, M.D. states it: “If you take a scalpel and start to dissect the human body, you will get past the levels of organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms and elementary particles, only to end-up with a handful of nothing! All physical matter is basically a bundle of energy waves vibrating in the void. Yet, is this void really nothingness, or is it the very womb of reality?
Good luck on your path to better health!
The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.