Celiac Disease and Gluten Allergies
By Deb Wheaton

Podcast Episode
Deb Wheaton is president and co-owner of Gluten-Free Prairie.
This is a woman-owned, family operated, certified gluten-free oat-based business in Manhattan, Montana.
After Deb and her daughter Amy were officially diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2005, they started a journey towards healing from a disease that had caused devastating health issues.
From the start that road has definitely not been easy. However, their new lifestyle is working for them. And their networking with doctors, different gluten-free focused organizations, and their outreach towards fellow sufferers has been very gratifying.
This is Deb's story.
00:00 - Introduction of podcast and Deb Wheaton. www.GlutenFreePrairie.com.
Telling about her journey of Celiac Disease diagnosis; and how she has started focusing on creating awareness. She received insights and support from professors at MSU (Montana State University).
How she learned a lot from when her daughter was diagnosed in 2005.
Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease.
08:20 - Deb realized that she herself had the same symptoms for a long time. She got diagnosed as well.
How did they have to adjust the kitchen in their house to make sure there were no more gluten contaminants.
Deb started having symptoms when she was 12(!). Things only got worse and have caused a lot of symptoms until she received her own official diagnosis.
The mind-gut connection and the vagus nerve.
15:25 - When they discovered that her daughter was not crazy, on drugs, anorexic, or emotionally unstable, and the official diagnosis came through, their real journey to healing started.
Celiac Disease was discovered in 1949 in France (the Banana Babies).
Gluten-free products back then was very boring, seemingly undigestible. Then rice was introduced into breads. Fruits, vegetables, meats and fish are all gluten-free. Deb’s brain fog and migraines started to lift within three months.
Deb’s Mom probably also had (undiagnosed) celiac disease; she died at age 62.
Book: Celiac Disease: a Hidden Epidemic, by Peter H.R. Green, MD.
Another researcher who has changed lives in the Celiac world is Alessio Fasano, MD.
22:27 - Jacobus met someone back in 1994/1995 who had celiac disease, as did her daughter and grandson. (Jean Powell). Some info about Jean.
Symptoms associated with Celiac: multi symptom/multi-system disease: diarrhea, constipation, tooth enamel damage, anemia, attention deficit disorder, seizure disorder.
Does brain fog lead to anxiety? Overlapping disorders recognized in Celiac Disease as well as in low-thyroid disorders.
34:48 - There are two genes directly linked to CD: Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) DQ2 and DQ8 (CD Gene Testing)(about $200.00 together). You need to have ONE of these TWO genes (blood test) in order to be officially diagnosed with Celiac:
95% of patients with CD have one or both of these genes. If you have symptoms but don’t have one of these two genes, find the cause of your disease somewhere else. Autoimmune diseases can be linked; and gluten can be a major factor.
Many CD sufferers are diagnosed after age 60.
42:00 - For every year you have suffered it will take roughly one month of actual healing. You will notice improvements quicker, but true healing will take much longer.
If you are diagnosed with CD, you cannot get lazy regarding your diet.
People going to Italy (or other European nations) and they can eat the breads there. Why is that? United States wheat farmers are paid more for a higher gluten yield than European farmers. Many US gluten-free breads can contain other allergens, such as tapioca, xanthan gum, or guar gum. Create loft in your dough with (pharmaceutical grade) psyllium husks.
54:24 - Is Celiac disease in the United States approached differently than how they do things in Europe? Northern Europe has more CD than southern Europe.
Documentary How Beer Saved The World.
After the cultivation of grasses, ancient man started cultivating wild oats.
Buckwheat (funny name) is gluten-free.
Some of the products Deb Wheaton makes and sells at www.GlutenFreePrairie.com.
Hunger Buster cookie, oat groats, oat flour, chocolate brownie mix, pizza dough, and others. No rice, no corn, no xanthan gum.
How do they know their oats are gluten-free? R5 ELISA Test.
1:04:25 - Gluten and ADHD, especially in children. Why is there a possible link? Also, look at how/what children eat while in school.
No human on the planet can completely digest gluten 100%. So there could be issue with gluten-intolerance in stead of celiac disease. Jacobus’ story about a recent food allergy test including gluten test. Deb reacts by talking about peripheral neuropathy, distilled spirits, and dry eyes (Sjögrens Autoimmune Disease).
Don’t restrict children at a very young age yet; let them enjoy all the foods until they really start showing (gluten) symptoms.
1:18:16 - There are currently two drugs in second level clinical studies: People can participate in the studies (Participate)
Taking Gluten-Ease type enzymes: smart idea? It’s not a treatment or cure.
Doing an endoscopy and colonoscopy are the Gold Standard in diagnosing Celiac Disease.
Having one of the two above-mentioned genes doesn’t mean you will be celiac. Think about a new baby who hasn’t had gluten yet…
Great information on Celiac Foundation website.
1:28:59 - End
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.