Iodine Revealed and Explained
By Toby McAdam

Iodine Revealed and Explained
Toby McAdam is the owner of RisingSun Health in Livingston, Montana.
His mastery of making iodine solutions and products are recognized and approved by the FDA. This has not been an easy journey, which he will discuss in this podcast. You will learn about different iodine solutions, how they're made, and what to use them for.
Iodine Information Website
How to view and order Iodine products:
Risingsun Health Iodine Products
(844) 406-2339
4:25 - The need for Iodine as a nutrient. Only nutrient ever mandated by the government. WHO stated: Iodine deficiency leads to retardation. Chinese manuscripts talk about Iodine in 3,600BC.
6:30 - What is Iodine? How to correctly male Lugol’s Iodine. Povidone iodine and Prill iodine are chemical products; should be used externally, only.
13:35 - What is the best form of iodine? Iodine is unique: it knows what’s good and what’s bad. How much you need is different from what you get.
19:35 - Only live clinical study where people get enough iodine is Japan. They have the lowest cancer rates; most intelligent culture; diabetes is almost non-existent; and they live longer… until they move to a western culture and diet. Research on cancer treatments with iodine. Neuropathy is improved with iodine, so are weight gain, mental health issues, and IQ-levels.
25:50 - Things affecting iodine levels and utilization: cruciferous vegetables, chlorine in the water, NSAIDS. Best is to spray iodine on the food.
27:05 - Nascent iodine: How to make it. Cannot be heated; needs seven days to get ready.
32:00 - What happened to Toby in 2010: Legal issues with the FDA. Because of contempt of court he ended up paying large fine and do prison time.
40:15 - Once free, he started working with FDA on labels, Good Manufacturing Procedure (GMP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
48:26 - Toby as a creative herbalist, and his desire to help others.
53:00 - Different iodine products at Risingsun Health: Nascent, Lugol’s, Potassium Iodide.
1:03:13 - How many milligrams of Nascent Iodine? How much of Lugol’s Iodine? When to take Potassium Iodide? Iodine works on pathogens.
1:14:35 - Iodine for cows and horses.
1:16:10 - Mask use during COVID. Toby’s use of aspirin. Iodine from milk is called “accidental iodine supplementation.” Iodine’s presence in different types of salt.
1:24:00 - Japanese culture gets iodine from consuming sea vegetables. Iodine should be base-of-the-pyramid for health.
1:32:30 - The need for potassium: Eat a medium red potato or Yukon. Prescription potassium may not work as well as potassium in supplement form. List of foods rich in potassium.
1:41:08 - End
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