DHA Omega-3 and Related Nutritional Factors
By Edward Dratz, Ph.D.

DHA Omega-3 and Related Nutritional Factors
Dr. Edward Dratz, Ph.D. is a Professor in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. His research focuses primarily on Alzheimer's, Cognitive Function, and Type-2 Diabetes. Within that framework we discuss the omega-3 essential fat DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).
Dr. Dratz enjoys teaching at any level, from toddlers to graduate students, and adults alike. You can hear his energy in this podcast.
Contact him at dratz@montana.edu
(Please mention in the email subject you heard him on this podcast)
This interview took place on March 23, 2023
3:12 - What are the topics we talk about?
3:50 - What is DHA? And why is this fat so important?
6:09 - Ocean fish is high in EPA/DHA.
8:04 - The two types of essential fatty acids; and their breakdown in the body.
11:09 - Many common foods are very high in Omega-6.
13:08 - DHA is an antidote to a peanut butter sandwich, and/or to a bad diet.
13:45 - Fructose is something we don't need in our diets. It affects us negatively. Rat experiments can be very helpful. Are all fish oils equal quality?
18:53 - How about vegans/vegetarians: What option do they have? The immune system can improve with more DHA.
20:49 - Experiment with school children giving them supplemental DHA for three month period: Reading skills improved dramatically, as well as children with behavioral issues.
24:47 - Dr. Dratz' dealings with the NIH (incl. the National Institute of Nursing Results, and the National Institute of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine).
29:00 - Similar success was found in a study at Oxford University, in England. Readers who were the poorest readers actually improved the most. Mentioning of a study from 2002 about the benefits of DHA on ADHD, and dopamine production.
32:05 - Recommended daily dosages for EPA and DHA, starting at moderate levels. DHA can also be beneficial for thoughts of suicide and postpartum depression. In a 20-year study of nurses about their diets: those with highest omega-3 levels in the blood had 50% less cancer and heart disease.
38:55 - Difference between grass-fed and grain-fed animals.
40:53 - Studies with Native American children, and what these students learned while working in the laboratory.
42:14 - EPA converting into DHA: depending on the presence of Omega-6s. Dr. Dratz' collaboration with universities in Australia. DHA studies with people suffering from anxiety.
47:55 - Contact information and closing.
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