The Importance of Nutrient-Rich and Multi-Functional Foods
By Jacobus Hollewijn
June 28, 2022
ImmuneShort ReadsSupplements
This article was originally published in Bozeman, MT’s semi-monthly newspaper called The BoZone in the 2003 March 26 edition.
It has been re-checked and edited on March 2, 2022.
Of course, if the answer were simple and practical more people would be willing to take baby-steps towards that healthy goal. For many reaching better health and happiness has seemed out-of-reach.
All, who wish to address a feeling of “well-being”, often use the term “overall health” loosely. The reality, though, is much more complicated, because so many aspects are involved. We will need to address the physical, as well as the spiritual, mental and emotional!
For most of us, there are things that make it really hard to find optimum health.
For example:
- Working inside for 8-10 hours a day, without fresh air or sunshine.
- Having received over-doses of medication and vaccinations at a young age, which has weakened our immune system.
- Having genetic disorders, because of old records in our DNA, that go back for generations
- Being involved in unhealthy personal relationships, which, especially if neither side is willing to work on themselves, can become very draining and fatiguing.
- Financial stress, which can cause emotional stress, sleepless nights, not being able to buy the right foods, or not afford the correct medical care.
- There is in increasing worry about the spraying of chem-trails in our skies, as well the unregulated use of estrogenic-type compounds in our environment (xeno-estrogens), specifically in plastics, the meat industry, personal electronics, hormone replacement therapies, hormone detox products, cosmetics, and the effects they’ve had on our groundwater. I’m sure you can come-up with more examples.
Bottom line is, we do not have to become a victim of circumstances. Of course, if the answer were simple and practical more people would be willing to take baby-steps towards that healthy goal. For many reaching better health and happiness has seemed out-of-reach.
By consuming foods consisting of a variety of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins (i.e. “nutrient rich”), we will be able to do many good things to our body, such as regulating weight, leveling cholesterol, preventing and healing many of today’s debilitating disorders, avoiding heart burn, headaches and bowel problems, rejuvenating our skin, etc. A healthy body will improve the workings of our mind, help with balancing emotions and open us to the spiritual. If diet can do all this, it clearly becomes more “multi-functional”.
We are bombarded with different dietary approaches, ranging from Keto to Eating Right 4 Your Type, from Mediterranean to Vegan. There is not one direction that is for every body. However, these diets are important studies to explore; and many peoples’ lives have improved and diseases have been healed… after they found a dietary lifestyle that was practical and that worked for them.
Nutritional supplements can play a key role in this process. Most are extracts or concentrations of edible foods. However, they are indeed a supplement to one’s diet and lifestyle. I see their function as an accelerator to whatever you are trying to accomplish. That’s also why dosing daily intake of supplements is an individual thing. Sometimes you may temporarily need to double, triple, or quadruple the recommendation on the bottle to get the desired result; and then level off for a maintenance regimen.
It’s important to keep your Health in Focus. You never know when the day comes that you can truly appreciate that.
The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.