Are You Taking Vitamins?
By Rebecca Hull
Labels Can Be Confusing
How do you know if you’re getting the right amount of a vitamins, minerals or supplements? What should you look for on a vitamin or supplement label? What kind of vitamins do YOU need? Are vitamins a “one-size-fits-all” solution to better health?
What are people looking for when they shop for vitamins or supplements?
Should you do a blood test to find out if you’re vitamin deficient? Can vitamins or supplements give you more energy? Can supplements help digestive issues?
What should you ask your vitamin store person? How does the American diet throw off your homeostasis? Are vitamins for real? Do vitamins do any good?
Jacobus and Rebecca Hull, GM of a Nutritional Supplements store, discuss supplement labels, what to look for on that label, and the various maladies that can be addressed with proper supplementation.
00:00 Introduction
05:15 Vitamin D
06:20 Is there vegan Vitamin D?
09:40 What is Magnesium Stearate?
17:00 Can Creatine Monohydrate help Hypothyroidism
18:45 What does RDA mean and how valid is it?
20:30 Do vegans get enough Vitamin B12?
25:00 What does Enteric Coating mean?
29:55 What are Essential Fats?
31:45 What is the proper ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3?
35:10 Helping Digestion.
35:41 treating IBS.
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The purpose of this website is to inform, educate, and entertain, not to diagnose, treat, or cure. Jacobus is not a licensed physician. If you intend to utilize any of the information contained in the articles and/or podcasts, it is recommend you see a licensed, competent medical provider of your choice, or find additional information from other reputable sources. I cannot control the opinions of my guests. I will double-check my facts in good faith, but may not be able to fully verify every statement made by any third party. If you utilize any information from this Website, you do so at your own risk.